Asheville Community Acupuncture


Annie Spindler, L.Ac.


Best Wishes to you on your journeys Annie! Thank you for all your healing, love, and support.

A letter from Annie:

Dearest Friends and Colleagues,

After three years at Asheville Community Acupuncture, I’m sad to say it’s time for me to switch gears. 
As many of you know, I am also the Founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit, Elderflower Care Community. After a few years of dreaming and searching, we have secured a location in Fairview for our holistic, farm-based, multigenerational Adult Day Center. The time has come for me to fully concentrate on Elderflower so we can open our doors in July 2024! 

I am so grateful for all of you. We’ve been through a lot these past couple of years! We’ve laughed and cried, and loved and lost together. I couldn’t have asked for a better community of patients and coworkers that I can truly call my friends. Maybe it was my job to support you, but in the end you healed ME with the kindness, guidance and care that so many of you offered to me.

Please reach out anytime. I will miss you more than you know.

Stay in touch and hear about our progress,

With so much love and admiration,